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Mabee Library

Mabee Learning Commons

Resourcing your education.

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Open laptop up against a stack of books

Research Databases

Mabee Library provides access to many research databases. You will be asked for your MNU email username and password.

Research Database Filter
College English
A professional journal for the college scholar-teacher
CQ Researcher
A research database of original research reports and analysis on issues in the news
Simultaneously search most of the library databases, including the library catalog
An extensive collection of research databases, encompassing all academic disciplines
Encyclopedia Britannica
The famed encyclopedia in digital format, constantly updated and comprehensive
Flipster Magazines
Browse digital full-color versions of the latest issues of magazines including
Gun Regulation & Legislation in America
This HeinOnline collection brings together more than 680 titles dealing with this difficult and important topic
Industry market research reports covering thousands of industries in the United States economy on the NAICS code level
Journal of Teaching in Phys Ed.
Research articles based on classroom and laboratory studies
JSTOR “Arts and Sciences IV” collection focuses on education, law, psychology, business and public policy and administration
An automatic bibliography composer
Mango Languages
Courses in over 70 different languages
Mason OER Metafinder
The Mason OER Metafinder helps you find Open Educational Resources across all disciplines. There is no login or security need to access this resource.
MLA Handbook
MLA publications on writing and research have been widely adopted for classroom instruction
Music Online: Reference
The full content of four online music reference collections
Naxos Music Library
The world’s largest online classical music library
Research diverse perspectives, topics and trends from a wide variety of international, national, and local news sources.
Nursing & Mental Health
Prepare with our exclusive new collection, Nursing and Mental Health in Video.
Nursing Education
An up-to-date collection of demonstration and training videos to help students improve their clinical skill
NY Times in Education
Known all over the world for unparalleled news coverage, analysis and high-caliber reporting
Oxford Music Online
Authoritative resource for music research, with over 60,000 articles written by over 6,000 music scholars
ProQuest Nursing
Practice reference material, including full-text, peer-reviewed nursing journal articles, books, dissertations, e-books, videos and study paths
PsycTherapy Videos
Observe psychotherapy in action through unscripted, expert-led therapy sessions
Science Direct
Keep up to date with health and medical developments to stimulate research and improve patient care
Slavery in America & the World
This HeinOnline collection brings together a multitude of essential legal materials on slavery in the USA and the English-speaking world
Swank Digital Campus
Streaming access to a variety of current popular film, television, and documentary titles, on- and off-campus. 
The trusted evidence-based resource to answer clinical questions
Wall Street Journal
The definitive source of news and information through the lens of business, finance, and global forces that shape the world
A comprehensive collection of news, business, and law information for students
A free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources

Interlibrary Loans

Get Started

If you cannot locate a needed journal article or book in the Mabee Library collections, please fill out a request form. We will attempt to locate the material from another library. Click on one of the following links to place an interlibrary loan request:

Computer Lab & Tech Help

Student and teacher at a computer

The Mabee Computer Lab is located on the second floor of the Mabee Learning Commons. When not in use for instruction or testing, it us available for student use.

Technology help is available! Trained students can answer questions related to printing, Moodle, email, Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), OneDrive (cloud file storage), Wi-Fi access, and operating systems. They can help with many laptop and tablet issues, but cannot reinstall software, solve computer virus problems, or perform hardware repairs. There is a lot they can do, though, so when in doubt, please ask!

University Archives

The University Archives, housed on the second floor of the Mabee Learning Commons, collects, organizes, preserves and provides access to a wide range of historical university papers, letters, reports, photographs, video, sound recordings and physical artifacts.

While some archival materials are on open display on the second floor of the Learning Commons, the majority of the archived materials are secured in locked rooms. Access to the Marge Smith and Vennard College Archives (described below) may be obtained by contacting the University Archivist, Rev. Lon Dagley, 913.971.3566.

Contact the Archives

Rev. Lon Dagley

Institutional Repository

MNU Institutional Repository – archival and scholarly resources from MNU.

Marge Smith Archives

The Marge Smith Archives is the official archival repository for MidAmerica Nazarene University. The archives were founded under the guidance and direction of Marge Smith, the wife of the first president of the University. These archives, located on the second floor of Mabee Learning Commons, house all of the documents related to the organization and founding of the University following the 1964 General Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene, and continue to document administration, faculty and student life.

Church of the Nazarene Manuals

This is a collaborative project between MidAmerica Nazarene University, Marge Smith Archives, the Office of the General Secretary of the Church of the Nazarene and the Nazarene Archives. The content of the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene is under copyright by Nazarene Publishing House and is published on this website under permission of the General Secretary of the Church of the Nazarene.

These electronic copies were created from work files use for the editing of the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene. The Manuals and other resources represented here are to be used for research only. The printed version of the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene is the final content authority.

Vennard College Archives

The Vennard College Archives is housed in the Marge Smith Archives. The Vennard College Archives is the repository for documents and materials related to the founding of Vennard College and its predecessor institutions (Central Holiness University, Epworth Institute, Chicago Evangelistic Institute, Fletcher College and Kletzing College) from the early 1900s until its closing in November 2008.

Contact Us

MidAmerica Nazarene University
Mabee Learning Commons

2030 East College Way
Olathe, KS 66062-1899

Computer Lab and Study Room available 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Semester Hours
Sunday: 6:00 pm – 12:00 am
Mon. – Thurs: 7:00 am – 9:00 pm
Friday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday: Closed

Summer Hours
Mon. – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed